Sunday, August 23, 2009

Au Revoir

Yesterday my friend Alex Schmitt, with the help of Emma Lauren, threw me a going-away party. Friends from Gainesville and Keystone Heights stopped by Alex's new apartment.

We had an arm wrestling competition and played psychiatrist, mafia and Apples to Apples. Everyone ate snacks and signed a scrapbook that I will easily fill up. It was a fun gathering because some people had just returned to "G-ville" for classes that start tomorrow. (I'm really crushed I can't join them.)

Glen Flores took this picture. Everyone was amused by how ripped I look, but it's an illusion. Those muscles are not good for much because Katie Cardinale defeated me. I did, however, put up a good two minute fight.

In five days I'll be using my muscles to carry luggage into the Orlando airport. Packing should be a lovely challenge.

French Fact: Paris is divided into 20 clockwise-spiralling dristricts called arrondissements.


  1. When I saw your title I was worried the whole post might be in French :) I am soooo excited for you. I've only spent 10 days in Paris but it was such a fabulous city! (I finally got to see in person all those buildings I'd studied in Architectural history classes.) I'd love to spend several weeks just walking around those districts getting lost! You will have such an awesome time!!! I can't wait to read your blog and live vicariously through you :)
    Love ya and be safe!
    Mrs. Stephanie.

  2. What she said, except for the part about actually VISITING Paris & studying it in college...
    OK, so just the living vicariously IN PARIS through you. :D
    I'm sure we'll have a great time!
