Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bringing America to Paris

I know I've been a slacker lately. I haven't been updating you on my life, but this only proves how busy I've been.

My intensive week with Professor Deanna Pelfrey ended last week. After our trip to Belgium we had a week of long classes, mulitple PR firm visits, and visits like the U.S. Embassy in Paris. On Thanksgiving we went to Le Monde, one of France's major newspapers. Between the economy and the rise of news readership online, they are hurting.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I had the most bizarre one I've ever had! (And please do not be that person who asks if the French celebrate this holiday. Think about it - the whole pilgrim-indian thing is a bit unique to the U.S.) On Thursday night I got together with my friends Amber and Alison. We attempted to make our own American-like dinner. It was interesting to say the least. We ate on Amber's bed in her extremely small apartment. At least the mashed potatoes were yummy!

That Friday made up for any loss of tradition. Our PR class went to Disneyland Paris. (Yes, this was educational!) We spent the morning speaking with two women who work on communications for Disney. We learned all about their cultural bloopers and the anti-American resentment they were faced with when they opened. Disney was pegged as a "cultrual Chernobyl."

With a complementary pair of Mickey ears we spend the afternoon in their two parks, riding the familiar Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Tower of Terror, and the Rock n' Roll roller coaster. We felt like we were back home in Florida. There were even palm trees! There were hardly any lines either.

After Disney we took the RER back to Paris and then went to Gayle's house for some real Thanksgiving food. My professor set us up with all the essentials (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.). The French professors wife, who works in a restaurunt, made tart-like pies that were to die for. I think that was the best apple pie I've eaten. The UF architecture program joined us too.

Right now we are jealous of the architecture program because they are officially finished. We did end classes Friday, but now I have a list of papers to write. I've got a chunk done already, but I'm really dreading the paper I have to write in French for my independent study!

This week we have a few more activities, and then it's over! I still have about 10 days to go to all the Parisian places I haven't made it to yet. The thought of leaving Paris is even more depressing than that pitiful Gator's game last night!

French Fact: This week many museums in Paris have been closed because museum workers are on strike. They are protesting reduces in staff. A class visit to the Centre de Pompidou was cancelled this week because it was closed. They French will go on strike for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...architecture students are total slackers! :) I visited the Pompidou Center after seeing slides in Architectural History classes. I hated it in the slides and hated it even more in person when I saw it in context.

    I'm sad your time there is coming to an end but happy you're coming home!
